2016 Airtronics GP

Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/10 EXPERT SEDAN: 
   Walter Diaz with    12/4:03.04

 -- 1/10 EXPERT SEDAN - A  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   2  85    30:20.01 Brian Thomas                                  
  2   4  83    30:01.03 Scott Barnes                                  
  3   8  82    30:11.11 Richard St Syr                                
  4   5  81    30:09.93 Brian Bosley                                  
  5   3  79    30:23.89 Bryce Butterfield                             
  6  11  70    26:20.88 Trevor Geter                                  
  7  10  64    30:16.47 Henry Turner                                  
  8   7  52    20:31.00 Scott Fisher                                  
  9   6  51    23:50.82 Michael Palazzola                             
 10   1  42    14:32.73 Walter Diaz                                   
 11   9  15     5:23.06 Brad Toffelmier                               

 -- 1/10 EXPERT SEDAN - B  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   1  56    20:12.01 Henry Turner                                  
  2   4  55    20:09.07 Trevor Geter                                  
  3   8  55    20:20.55 Rod Bandy                                     
  4   2  54    20:19.03 David Blakeney                                
  5   5  53    20:10.27 Ryan Newbury                                  
  6  10  51    20:21.63 Dereck Butterfield                            
  7   9  46    20:04.01 TAYLOR ELIAS                                  
  8  11  42    16:15.01 MAX SMALLS                                    
  9   6  21     8:50.65 James Nelson                                  
 10   3  20     7:36.83 Brandon Hoffman                               
 11   7  11     3:41.81 Tim Long                                      

 -- 1/10 EXPERT SEDAN - C  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   9  40    15:06.58 Dereck Butterfield                            
  2   3  40    15:15.35 MAX SMALLS                                    
  3   4  39    15:00.63 OTTO ROSA                                     
  4   7  36    15:08.29 Al Lopez                                      
  5  11  33    15:02.98 Steve Rivera                                  
  6   8  32    15:07.67 Steve Kitahata                                
  7   1  31    15:18.65 Steven Muller                                 
  8   6  24    15:21.20 Brian Rush                                    
  9   2  21    13:52.75 Carlos Canela                                 
 10  10   6     2:23.06 Geoffrey Menefee                              
 11   5   3     1:05.30 Henry Cardona                                 

 -- 1/10 EXPERT SEDAN - D  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   5  38    15:14.84 Geoffrey Menefee                              
  2   1  30    11:35.36 Steve Rivera                                  
  3   4  30    15:25.96 Aiden Kang                                    
  4   2  22     9:30.38 William Pendegrass                            
  5   3  22    15:03.32 Gregory Menefee                               
 --   6  --- DNS ---    GEORGE MANNING                                

Best Heat Lap/Time for GT NITRO: 
   PAOLO MORGANTI with    12/4:16.68

 -- GT NITRO - A  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   1  81    30:01.49 PAOLO MORGANTI                                
  2   4  79    30:04.75 Garen Hagobian                                
  3   5  78    30:16.45 SCOTT BARNES                                  
  4   3  76    29:59.47 Joanquin De Soto                              
  5   2  75    30:03.99 Robbie Cerrato                                
  6   9  73    29:59.91 Mark Barden                                   
  7   8  73    30:19.63 Bryce Butterfield                             
  8  10  67    30:22.67 Ryan Newbury                                  
  9  11  31    14:07.51 RALPH ASTACAAN                                
 10   6  29    19:30.86 ROBBIE COLLINS                                
 11   7   6     2:23.68 Tony Clark                                    

 -- GT NITRO - B  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   3  50    20:08.65 Ryan Newbury                                  
  2   6  49    20:08.33 RALPH ASTACAAN                                
  3   2  49    20:12.21 TOM MEYERS                                    
  4   7  48    20:15.83 Don Cesar                                     
  5   9  47    20:22.81 Robert Rodriguez                              
  6   8  46    19:29.01 EUGENE OSBURNE                                
  7   4  46    20:18.17 Dereck Butterfield                            
  8  10  42    20:13.55 Moto Ishibashi                                
  9   5  39    20:11.01 Rick St Syr                                   
 --   1  --- DNS ---    Henry Cardona                                 
 --  11  --- DNS ---    Glenn Williams                                

Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8TH SPORTSMAN: 
   Don Hirami with    13/4:18.92

 -- 1/8TH SPORTSMAN - A  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   3  84    30:00.58 David Blakeney                                
  2   2  84    30:03.10 Ralph Ayala                                   
  3   8  84    30:18.42 BILL JIANAS                                   
  4  10  81    30:17.50 Billy Jianas                                  
  5  11  79    30:01.40 BOB EDELBERG                                  
  6   1  79    30:04.08 Don Hirami                                    
  7   6  67    24:23.17 SAL BISSADA                                   
  8   9  50    17:29.77 Ryan Nimori                                   
  9   4  42    14:54.02 Richardo Gonzales                             
 10   5  40    15:14.44 John C Burton                                 
 11   7   3     0:59.19 Tracy Grieger                                 

 -- 1/8TH SPORTSMAN - B  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   2  57    20:08.24 Billy Jianas                                  
  2   1  56    20:07.32 BOB EDELBERG                                  
  3   5  55    20:03.50 Tom Wong                                      
  4   4  53    20:07.70 Lynn Chuck                                    
  5   8  48    20:28.12 Greg Shum                                     
  6   3  40    15:16.24 MARCELO MARCELLI                              
  7   6   4     1:23.41 Frank Pena                                    
 --   7  --- DNS ---    Karlo David                                   

Best Heat Lap/Time for R/C Superbike: 
   Larry Dy with     9/5:13.13

 -- R/C Superbike - A  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   1  13     7:00.97 Larry Dy                                      
  2   2  13     7:26.27 Lito Reyes                                    
  3   3  13     7:29.51 Craig Kaplan                                  
  4   4  12     7:05.51 Wyatt Sadler                                  
  5   5  11     7:18.53 Kevin Hicks                                   
 --   6  --- DNS ---    Garrett Meyers                                
 --   7  --- DNS ---    Dwyane Lawler                                 
 --   8  --- DNS ---    BRUCE SLAWSON                                 
 --   9  --- DNS ---    Jimmy Louis                                   

     ---- Multiple A Main Scores ----
pos t.pts e.pts      1st 2nd 3rd   laps/time     name
 1   200     0  ...  100 100   0  26/14:05.81   Larry Dy           
 2   199    98  ...   99  98 100  26/14:27.57   Lito Reyes         
 3   198    97  ...   97  99  99  26/14:39.92   Wyatt Sadler       
 4   196    97  ...   98  97  98  26/14:57.72   Craig Kaplan       
 5   193    96  ...   96  96  97  19/14:01.06   Kevin Hicks        
 6     0     0  ...    0   0   0  0/0:00.00     Garrett Meyers     
 7     0     0  ...    0   0   0  0/0:00.00     Dwyane Lawler      
 8     0     0  ...    0   0   0  0/0:00.00     BRUCE SLAWSON      
 9     0     0  ...    0   0   0  0/0:00.00     Jimmy Louis        

 -- R/C Superbike - A2 Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   1  13     7:04.84 Larry Dy                                      
  2   4  13     7:22.32 Wyatt Sadler                                  
  3   2  13     7:26.60 Lito Reyes                                    
  4   3  13     7:34.38 Craig Kaplan                                  
  5   5  11     7:38.10 Kevin Hicks                                   
 --   6  --- DNS ---    Garrett Meyers                                
 --   7  --- DNS ---    Dwyane Lawler                                 
 --   8  --- DNS ---    BRUCE SLAWSON                                 
 --   9  --- DNS ---    Jimmy Louis                                   

 -- R/C Superbike - A3 Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   2  13     7:01.30 Lito Reyes                                    
  2   4  13     7:17.60 Wyatt Sadler                                  
  3   3  13     7:28.21 Craig Kaplan                                  
  4   5   8     6:42.53 Kevin Hicks                                   
 --   1  --- DNS ---    Larry Dy                                      
 --   6  --- DNS ---    Garrett Meyers                                
 --   7  --- DNS ---    Dwyane Lawler                                 
 --   8  --- DNS ---    BRUCE SLAWSON                                 
 --   9  --- DNS ---    Jimmy Louis                                   

Best Heat Lap/Time for 8th Scale Masters: 
   Dana Smeltzer with    13/4:03.18

 -- 8th Scale Masters - A  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   1  90    30:17.14 Dana Smeltzer                                 
  2   3  85    30:01.84 Ruben Serrano                                 
  3   8  84    30:13.94 Jerry Rapp                                    
  4   9  83    30:04.64 Don Miyamoto                                  
  5   6  82    30:09.62 Rick St Syr                                   
  6  11  81    30:02.48 JIM BISHOP                                    
  7  10  79    30:18.40 Dwayne Amaral                                 
  8   2  64    24:05.83 Pepe Velez                                    
  9   7  44    15:23.99 Tim Long                                      
 10   4  30    10:42.07 Otto Rosa                                     
 11   5  26     9:22.41 Tony Thompson                                 

 -- 8th Scale Masters - B  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   4  57    20:01.95 Dwayne Amaral                                 
  2   1  57    20:13.71 JIM BISHOP                                    
  3   8  55    19:46.53 Robert Rodriguez                              
  4  10  53    20:03.95 DANNY SNIEDMILLER                             
  5   6  53    20:21.49 Glenn Williams                                
  6   9  51    20:12.91 Tommy Porfirio                                
  7  11  51    20:20.45 Jeff Rold                                     
  8   5  40    14:05.01 Brad Rasmussen                                
  9   2  39    14:05.36 Ralph Astacaan                                
 10   7  25     8:44.84 Dave Starks                                   
 11   3  21     8:39.56 Kenny Jones                                   

 -- 8th Scale Masters - C  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   2  41    15:21.46 DANNY SNIEDMILLER                             
  2   1  40    15:16.48 Jeff Rold                                     
  3   3  17     8:06.24 Steve Roberts                                 
  4   4   4     1:41.06 Steve Rivera                                  
 --   5  --- DNS ---    BILL JIANAS                                   

Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/5 GT: 
   Victor Garcia with    12/5:03.50

 -- 1/5 GT - A  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   1  73    30:22.65 Victor Garcia                                 
  2   3  72    30:04.85 Craig Kaplan                                  
  3   2  71    30:05.03 Phil Goodwine                                 
  4   6  67    30:28.55 Tom Wong                                      
  5   8  65    30:18.61 Alan Trump                                    
  6  10  64    30:26.43 Moto Ishibashi                                
  7   7  59    30:09.75 Kenneth Watkins                               
  8  11  47    24:10.79 Greg Shum                                     
  9   5  42    18:40.11 Frank Pena                                    
 10   4  29    13:32.89 CEDRIC COLLINS                                
 11   9   3     1:25.34 James Stuard                                  

Best Heat Lap/Time for 1/8TH EXPERT: 
   DJ APOLARO with    14/4:09.44

 -- 1/8TH EXPERT - A  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   7  95    30:16.03 Brian Thomas                                  
  2   4  95    30:16.39 Christian Lopez                               
  3   5  93    30:09.41 Walter Diaz                                   
  4   9  92    30:05.57 Chris Verano                                  
  5   6  91    30:14.55 Brandon Cho                                   
  6   1  90    30:01.81 DJ APOLARO                                    
  7   3  90    30:18.39 Chris Velez                                   
  8   8  89    30:03.99 Tony Clark                                    
  9  11  89    30:10.37 Kyle Goodwine                                 
 10   2  70    26:57.77 Paolo Morganti                                
 11  10  30    10:20.44 Richard St Syr                                

 -- 1/8TH EXPERT - B  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   1  62    20:06.56 Richard St Syr                                
  2   4  61    20:17.04 Kyle Goodwine                                 
  3   6  60    20:02.04 KJ Jones                                      
  4   9  59    20:02.52 Brad Toffelmier                               
  5  11  58    20:05.54 Max Smalls                                    
  6   7  57    20:10.38 Eugene Osburne                                
  7   2  55    17:54.20 Mike Strack                                   
  8   8  32    15:10.92 GARY ELIAS                                    
  9  10  29     9:34.57 Eric Dennet                                   
 10   3   2     0:34.29 Jaron Bandy                                   
 --   5  --- DNS ---    Robbie Collins                                

 -- 1/8TH EXPERT - C  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   1  47    15:17.65 Eric Dennet                                   
  2   2  47    15:17.90 Max Smalls                                    
  3   7  45    15:13.38 Arno Mardirossian                             
  4  10  45    15:13.52 Trevor Geter                                  
  5   4  41    15:07.98 Paul Wright                                   
  6   8  33    15:15.06 ROBERT MORRIS                                 
  7   9  31    10:32.43 Jon Prather                                   
  8   5  24     8:17.73 Rick West                                     
  9   6  23     7:48.51 Jason Garcia                                  
 10   3  16     5:19.69 Mark Santa Ines                               
 11  11  15     9:45.51 T.J. Thompson                                 

 -- 1/8TH EXPERT - D  Main -- 
Pos Car Laps    time     name
  1   1  42    15:09.28 Trevor Geter                                  
  2   4  38    15:38.60 T.J. Thompson                                 
  3   3  13    15:17.36 Danny Alvarado                                
  4   2   9     3:10.86 Sherman Sim                                   
 --   5  --- DNS ---    Kenneth Jones                                 
 --   6  --- DNS ---    Jamie Hughes                                  
 --   7  --- DNS ---    Ira Kimble Jr.                                
 --   8  --- DNS ---    DANA SMELTZER                                 
 --   9  --- DNS ---    Kevin Jones                                   
 --  10  --- DNS ---    JUSTIN SHEELEY